What is Water Shiatsu (Watsu®) ?
Water Shiatsu (WATSU®) is a very effective and versatile body therapy, which was developed in 1980, from Zen Shiatsu and the healing and supporting qualities of warm water (35 ° C).
WATSU® is an amazingly lightweight and sustainable way to create freedom and relaxation in the body. Its application can quickly solve blockages and tension on physical, emotional and mental levels. Stretching, rotation, and gentle manipulation help towards a deep release of the muscles and the entire musculoskeletal system.
Meridian treatments and mobilization of joints similtaneously activate and harmonize the energy system. The internal organs benefit from the strengthening of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Mobility can also be improved, expanding our range of motion.
Water Shiatsu harmonizes the flow of life energy (chi).
Water reduces body weight, so the spine can be moved in a manner that would not be possible on land. Rhythmic, harmonious, and flowing movements bring new impulses to body awareness, and invite you to let go of old patterns. The movements are similar to those of Tai Chi practitioners: clients are moved/danced, with spiral, bow, pendant, wave and circular movements. Breathing deepens and the full rhythm of breathing is reactivated. An increased sense of well-being, and improved body awareness, are the natural consequences.
WATSU® water therapy is a holistic method. It nourishes the soul, and can help to grow basic trust and how to deal with fears .
Harold Dull, founded the School of Shiatsu and Massage in Harbin Hot Springs (CA). Today an international team of experienced professionals carries the continuous refinement, development and worldwide distribution of WATSU®.